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After five years teaching in low-income schools, I’m moving
on next year to a small public charter school. I thought I would feel more sad
or disappointed in myself about leaving, but I’m not. I feel good. I know that deciding to stay in an environment that I knew was draining me would have been neither brave nor
heroic but damaging.
Anyway, I’ve been in a very reflective mood lately, as I
often do at the closing chapter of something important in my life—my senior
year of college, the final months of the school year, the last bite of a
particularly awesome cookie (“Man, the ratio of batter to chocolate chips was really
powerful and evocative.”) I talked about many of the changes I’ve undergone in a previous post, but I left out what I think the most important lesson is that
I’ve learned so far in the classroom. And after receiving many emails lately from teachers across the country on this topic, I knew it was time to write about it.
If you’d asked me at any pre-teaching time in my life
whether I hated anyone, I would have assured you that I don’t. However, in that same breath I could
have listed off about fifteen people that I thought were total jerks and that I
would never want to spend more than five minutes with, maybe ever.
Then, when I started teaching, I met The Jerk To End All Jerks.
He was the assistant principal at my former school and my appraiser. I realized early into the school year that he didn't particularly care for me, and thought I could win him over with kindness, but that was not the case. He would often roll his eyes at me, conduct his observations of my classes the
day before a major holiday break, respond to my honest questions or concerns by
laughing derisively or trivializing them. I watched him in the hallway go out
of his way to bump up against a student who had anger issues, who then blew up
at him and was suspended. When I told my assistant principal what I’d seen, he
made it clear that if I reported him, my evaluations would suffer. He once
responded to a question I asked by leaning back in his chair and mumbling,
“Every year I keep asking myself why I’ve gotten myself into a profession with
so many women.”
I hated him. And by “I hated him” I mean I hated him. Just seeing him in the
hallway or reading his name in my email inbox was enough to get my blood
simmering, and I rarely left a meeting with him without crying from frustration
or screaming at traffic on the way home. When I finally left that school, I
left with a searing bitterness in my heart towards him, one that I held onto
long into the next school year.
Luckily for my sanity, at the same time that my hatred was growing and multiplying for my
assistant principal, my teaching life was getting easier. I was beginning to
get the hang of classroom management, which is largely a result of being
willing to put aside a lot of my
personal preferences and background and instead focus on my students—who they
are and what their needs are. I began to understand that my “worst” students
were ones who had had the worst things happen to them. They’d lost parents or
siblings. They’d lived through an ugly divorce. They’d been bullied or abused
or neglected, or maybe they’d come from a supportive and stable environment but
had somehow received the message over and over again from somewhere that they
were unimportant, slow, or not enough.
And one day—I can’t remember where I was or what I was
doing--I realized the same must have been true for my assistant principal. The
true personhood of my assistant principal was not the man I was seeing. He couldn’t have
learned that it’s okay to treat people as inferior beings unless someone had
modeled it for him. He couldn’t have learned that threats, manipulation, and power
moves are appropriate ways of dealing with people unless he himself had been
threatened, manipulated, or made to feel powerless. I pictured him as an 8th grader in my class, coming to school lugging many of the same issues my students do, and for the first time, I felt compasssion for him. For some reason, I had understood
that there was a reason for many of my students to have bad attitudes or a
temper, but I’d had no such grace for my assistant principal.
Does this excuse the actions of my assistant principal? No.
Does it mean I should have accepted his treatment of me with a “Thank you sir,
may I have another?” approach? No. But if I had approached my assistant
principal the way I approach my tough students—with patience, grace, and a
persistent kindness, the go-out-of-your-way type of kindness—I think I could
have had a very different experience at that school, and maybe my assistant principal could have, too.
Over time, I realized that the truth about my assistant
principal was the truth about all the jerks I’ve known in my life—acquaintances, bosses, strangers. This truth is that nobody is intrinsically a jerk. This sounds obvious, and is something I thought I believed before teaching, but I didn't. Not really. I’ve been told and have believed for as long
as I can remember that I’m a good person, and instead of using that to seek out
the goodness in others, I’ve used that to draw a line in the sand. Good people
like me-- who think like me—on this side. Everyone else on the other. I’d said
that I loved others, but what I meant was that I loved others once they met my
This is not the way to teach.
This is not the way to live.
I haven’t come anywhere close to mastering the way to teach
or live, but I’m working on it. Some of my students still get under my skin,
and I’m constantly tempted by many adults to push them onto the “other” side of
the sand, or to take the easy way out and pretend that the fronts they’re
putting up are their real selves. But while I’m no expert on loving yet,
teaching has made me look at these people in a new way. Not as pathetic or inferior,
but as human and hurting. Just like I am.
And I hope to get better at it, no matter where I teach. I think if all of us can look at each other the same way we (hopefully) look at our students--that everyone can be redeemed--maybe we would start to see a different world unfold before us.
Join me?
The Most Important Thing I've Learned from Teaching
Monday, June 29, 2015
Summer To-Do List 2015! And some updates, y'all
Friday, June 12, 2015
Well, hello there! It’s been a while, but let me catch you
up to speed on Things That Have Happened:
1) I got a letter back from Obama and several letters
readers have forwarded me from their senators/congressmen about my post onteaching in a Title I school. Yes, party poopers, I know that most likely the letters are not penned by the actual president or congresspeople, but it was good to feel
heard. I also sent the article to my governor and wrote to him as myself (not as
Love, Teach). Haven’t heard back yet,
but I feel good feelings about that letter. If I don’t hear back from him or get a
super vague response (“Thanks for your letter, schools are important, I like
schools, here’s all these things I’ve done that kinda look like helping
schools”) I’ll just send a pizza to his office with a note that says, “Sir, I’d like
a ‘pizza’ your time. Email me at loveteachblog.com to set up a meeting.” That’s
friendly and attention-getting and disarmingly weird enough, right?
2) I signed my contract to teach 6th ELA at a small,
non-Title I public school next year! I feel really good about my decision. I
reached a point where I knew that if I didn’t take better care of myself, I
would be useless in any classroom. I
know the transition—like any transition—won’t be seamless, but I’m looking
forward to a new challenge. I’m not ready to leave the classroom just yet J
3) I’ve written two Buzzfeed articles! Check out my
Teacher Edition of “Would You Rather," and my post on how life-changingsummer is for teachers. What fun! Also, I don't work for Buzzfeed.
4) I AM ALMOST DONE WITH GRAD SCHOOL. One more semester! I’m
getting my Master’s in Writing, and while I love my program, it’s really,
really hard being a full-time student and a full-time teacher. I’m ready to
have my nights and weekends back.
Okay, now that we’re caught up, IT’S SUMMER! And you know
what that means….
My Summer 2015 To-Do List
One of my favorite things to do every summer is make a list of all the great things I'm going to do. It makes me feel accomplished in a fun way, and it also prevents me from doing nothing all summer besides Netflix and eating Chocolate Lucky Charms. Here's this year's list!
1) READ.
I read for grad school until my eyeballs are ready to fall out, but now I can catch up on books for fun! On my list this summer are:
1) The Goldfinch (just finished!) by Donna Tartt
2) The Magicians by Lev Grossman
3) Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandell
4) The Secret History by Donna Tartt
5) Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan
6) Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
7) The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
Read them with me! I’ll do a follow-up in August of what I
thought—I’d love to hear from you! It’ll be like a book club, except we’ll have
to eat our book club snacks in separate places. And we don’t have to invite
that annoying lady.
2) Take a barre class!
Though I enjoy being a teacher, I’ve always had the nagging
feeling that I missed my real calling in life, which is to be a ballerina.
Though I probably look as close to a ballerina as my cat, Hugo, looks like a pterodactyl,
and though I’ve never taken a ballet class in my life, I’ve always had this
obsession with the ballet world. I watch ballet documentaries. I go to the
ballet in my city. I once spent a summer hanging out a coffee shop way too far
away from my neighborhood because I read in a program at a ballet that an
absolutely beautiful male ballet dancer went there often. (I never saw him.
I think a barre class would help me reconcile my actual life
and my dream life, don’t you? Yes, me too.
Moving on.
3) Make an awesome meal and invite neighbors!
My neighbors are terrific humans. One is a teacher and is
wickedly funny, the other is an older gentleman who feeds the feral cats in our
complex. I see my family and friends a lot, but I don’t see my neighbor friends
all in one place a lot, so I would like to bribe them into hanging out with me
via food. And not an easy meal or something that I make all the time, but special food. Food-food.
Right now I’m thinking roast chicken, whiskey-glazed
carrots, homemade biscuits, tomato salad, and either blackberry cobbler or
lemon bars. OR MAYBE BOTH BECAUSE IT’S SUMMER, and summer is for treating
yourself, am I right?
4) Go to the art museum!
I just finished reading The Goldfinch, so now I want to go
look at all the art ever.
5) Take a picture of Hugo in a bow tie
Because it’s the right thing to do. Look at him. Doesn't his face just scream, "I WON'T BE HAPPY UNTIL I HAVE A BOWTIE ON"?
6) Think about structure/format of a book I could write
Notice how vague I am when goal-setting. I like to stay
un-quantifiable. Write a book? Nope. Start writing a book? Nope. Think about
starting to write a book? Sure!
(If you have a good idea for a book I can write about teaching,
be a doll and let me know so I can cross this one off my to-do list. )
Not sure how many posts I’ll have for you over the summer on
here, but stay tuned on Facebook and Twitter for updates and for our book club
meeting in August!
Unrelated: I am writing this on my stomach on the floor of my apartment and Hugo just hopped on my back, curled up, and fell asleep. A gift, this kitten is.
What's on your summer to-do list?
Lovey love,
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